
The conference and the teacher training workshop will be held at the Institute for Astronomy – University of Hawaii. Detailed directions will be available soon.

The LOC has studio rooms with a double bed for $56 per night at the East West Center. Interested participants please write to ghou2015@handsonuniverse.org Rooms are available from 2 to 17 August 2015, in order to accommodate the attendance in IAU GA and to enjoy Hawaii. Places are limited!

LOC reserved rooms at East West Center is no longer available. We encourage you to contact them directly to check room availability.

– List of hotels nearby from Hotel.com

– List of hostels nearby from Hostelbookers.com

*LOC is not responsible for hotels booked through above links.

Social Event:
Conference will host a traditional Hawaiian Laua for a minimal fee of $50USD. Registration will be available soon.

If you are attending IAU General Assembly in Hawaii, we recommend to apply for visa through IAU: http://astronomy2015.org/visa If not, please write to ghou2015@handsonuniverse.org and we will provide the necessary support.


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