

Monday, 22 August 2016

  • Opening of CERN’s art@CMS exhibition by M. Hoch (CERN). Open for public and will be held at the conference venue from 10:50-11:30
  • Think-tank for future initiatives with HSH leadership, LOC and GHOU/GTTP coordinators at 19:00-21:00. Invitation only event.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

  • Workshop for master students of ICT will be held from 11:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00. Invitation only event.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

  • HSH Master students visiting art@CMS exhibition at 12:30-13:00.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

  • Write a Science Opera workshop by CREATIONS project will be held from 09:00 to 14:00. Open for public with prior registration. Please contact LOC at
  • Workshop for pre-service teachers will be held from 11:00-14:30. Invitation only event.

Friday, 26 August 2016

  • 9.45-11.45 Workshop on ‘Introduction to Image Processing and a Tour of the Universe’ for students from Stord High School.
  • 12.00-13.00 Stord High School visiting art@CMS Exhibition.
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