
GHOU 2017 Conference and GTTP Workshops  Program – Preliminary

Oral presentations are 15 min + 5 min QA (20 min total)

Workshops and Roundtable discussions are 50 minutes.

MONDAY, 14 Aug.

Attendees arrive

TUESDAY, 15 Aug.


8:30 am Informal greetings and reunions

9:00 am Welcome – Richard Gelderman (Western Kentucky University), Conference host
Bonnie Thurber (GHOU GA President) Conference notes

9:15 am Progress in HOU—In Depth and Breadth – Carl Pennypacker (HOU Founder)

9:45 am [go to planetarium]

21st century skills for teachers and students (workshop)

9:50 am Planetarium Activities for School Groups (Alan Gould)

10:40 am Making it Personal: recognizing Star Patterns (Richard Gelderman)

11:15 am Feature Planetarium Show: Phantom of the Universe: The Hunt for Dark Matter

11:45 am buffet lunch in exhibit ring

12:20 pm live presentation on dark matter and the making of Phantom of the Universe (Michael Barnett, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

1:30 pm Astronomy of the Hawaiian Navigators (Stephanie Slater)


Afternoon: (Workshops)

21st century skills for teachers and students

1:30–2:20 pm Astronomy of the Hawaiian Navigators (Stephanie J. Slater, USA)

2:20 pm Break/Posters (all subjects)

2:40 pm Integrating Quantitative Reasoning into Astronomy Teaching (Timothy F. Slater, USA)

3:30 pm Break/Posters (all subjects)

Robotic and Remote Telescopes for Education

3:45 pm Using Real Data with Real Students (Fraser Lewis, Wales)

4:15 pm Roundtable Discussion: PLOAD – Astronomy for development and the 100th anniversary of the IAU (Rosa Doran and Carlos Santos, Portugal)


6:30 pm Opening banquet buffet at Corvette Museum or WKU Alumni Center with Guest presentation on LIGO and gravity wave detections by Tyson Littenberg, Research Astrophysicist at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.



Frontiers in Astronomy (Oral Presentations)

8:30 am Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Mysteries of the Universe (Nirakar Sapkota, et al Nepal)

8:50 am Solar furnace gamma ray telescope (Prayash Rimal)

9:10 am CAP Conferences Series – Communicating Astronomy in Today’s World: Purpose & Methods (Lina Canas, Hidehiko Agata)

9:30 am From eclipses via lunar missions towards the MoonVillage (Bernard Foing, Netherlands)

9:50 am Break/Posters (all subjects)


10:00 am MoonVillage Workshop (Bernard Foing, Netherlands)

11:00 am Break/Posters (all subjects)

21st century skills for teachers and students

11:10 am Astronomy Education Curriculum (Hidehiko Agata, Japan, et al)

11:30 am Modeling Instruction (Carl Pennypacker, USA)

11:50 am Modeling Astronomy (Rich Lohman, Alan Gould, USA)

12:10 pm Lunch/Posters (all subjects)


21st century skills for teachers and students

Oral Presentations:

1:30 pm Using “Peer to Peer” strategies in introductory astronomy (Tom Morin, USA)

1:50 pm Enacting planets (Roger Ferlet et al, France)


2:10 pm Engaging Students in Science Using Astronomy (Sophie Bartlett, Fraser Lewis)

3:00 pm Break/Posters (all subjects)

3:15 pm Pedagogy Roundtable Discussion (Bonnie Thurber, USA)

4:05 pm Break/Posters (all subjects)


1. Oral Presentations:
(a) 4:15 Big Data Science Cafés: High School Students Experiencing Real Research with Scientists (Constance Walker, USA)
(b) 4:35 pm Hands-On Activities in Astronomical Courses (Hongfeng Guo, China)
(c) 4:55 pm Poster-HOU Work at Lakeshore High School (Jinglun Qu, China)
(d) 5:15 pm Astronomy in the 21st century schools (Rosa Doran, Portugal)

2. Roundtable Discussion: GHOU Financial Enhancement (Bonnie Thurber, USA) (4:15–5:35p m)
7:30 pm GHOU business meeting / GHOU international news



Excursion to Mammoth Cave National Park


Science with technology in the classroom

Oral Presentation:

1:30 Light Curves and Color Indices of Asteroids with Small Telescopes (Mike Hibbs, USA)

Science and art collaborations for education

Oral Presentations:

1:50 pm Report of the GSO 2016 workshop in Japan (Hideo Shinohara, Japan)

2:10 pm Moon-Village–A Global Science Opera (Oded Ben-Horin, Norway)

2:30pm Break


2:45–3:35 pm Write a Science Opera (Oded Ben-Horin, Norway)

3:35 pm Break

Assessment and evaluation of teaching and learning outcomes

Oral Presentation:

3:50 pm Measuring the impact of online astronomy training for teachers (Julie Bolduc-Duval, et al Canada)

4:10 pm Piloting Global Evaluations of GHOU’s Efficacy in Increasing Student’s Capabilities in Pre-Algebra (Carlton Pennypacker, Kristin Bass, Rockman et al, Rosa Doran, USA/Portugal)

4:30 pm Stories of Tomorrow (Carlos Santos and Rosa Doran, Portugal)

4:50 pm Telescopes of northern Chile (Rich Lohman-USA, United States)


BBQ at Lost River Cave


FRIDAY, 18 Aug.


8:30 am Overview of agenda (Rich Lohman)

8:45 am Parallel Workshops:
1. Black Holes in my School (Rosa Doran, Portugal)
2. USA-HOU activities from A Changing Cosmos, a free online High School Astronomy Course (Rich Lohman, USA)

11:45 am LUNCH


1:00-2:30 pm Parallel Workshops:
1. Part 1 of Coming Over to the Dark Side: Activities Where Students Solve Relevant Issues Surrounding Light Pollution Scenarios (Constance E. Walker, USA)
2. Astronomy activities using Stellarium software (Rich Lohman, USA)

2:30 Break

2:45-4:15 pm Parallel Workshops:
1. Part 2 of Coming Over to the Dark Side: Activities Where Students Solve Relevant Issues Surrounding Light Pollution Scenarios (Constance E. Walker, USA)
2. Light-curves That Go Bump In the Night (Frasier Lewis, Wales)

4:15 pm Plenary: Get and analyze galaxy image(s) from a remote telescope (Frasier Lewis)


7:00pm Dr. Jay Pasachoff on Eclipses

  • Planetarium show

SATURDAY,  19 Aug.


8:30 am Overview of agenda (Rich Lohman)

8:45 am Parallel Workshops:
1. PLATON activities (Rosa Doran)
2. Elements of Modeling Astronomy using SalsaJ image processing software, images from students’ cameras and observatory images (Rich Lohman)

11:45 am LUNCH


1:00-2:30 pm Parallel Workshops:
1. Workshops for middle schools: (Michel Faye, Suzanne Faye, France)
2. CMD activities, Exoplanets, and Impact Calculator (Frasier Lewis)

2:30 pm Break

2:45-4:15 pm Parallel Workshops:

1. Workshops for high schools: (Michel Faye, Suzanne Faye, France)
2. Astronomy activities using Stellarium software—Part 2 (Rich Lohman, USA)

4:30 pm Get and analyze a variety of image(s) from a remote telescope (Frasier Lewis)
Preparation for activity tables at Sunday’s Eclipse Festival (Richard Gelderman)


SUNDAY afternoon, 20 Aug.

1 to 6 PM, Eclipse Festival at a square-block sized park in downtown Bowling Green


11 AM to 3 PM, in the WKU football stadium, up to 20,000 K-12 students are coming to watch and participate in demonstrations on the playing field, browsing activity tables on the concourse levels, engaging in small hands-on activities while in their seats, viewing the jumbotron scoreboard video playing streamed eclipse info as the shadow sweeps from Oregon through Kentucky, and using solar viewing glasses to observe the progress of the eclipse.

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