
Global Hands-on Universe (GHOU)
The Hands-On Universe (HOU) project began in the 1990s in the USA.
Over the years, other countries became involved and Global Hands-On Universe (GHOU) Association was formed as a non-profit organization with partners worldwide.
The mission of GHOU is to train teachers on the use of modern tools and resources for science education and engage students in international scientific projects. We also aim to promote interactive science projects among GHOU countries and engage educators and students in a truly global cooperation. No borders or frontiers.

Galileo Teacher Training Program (GTTP)
The goal of the Galileo Teacher Training Program (GTTP) is to train teachers in the effective use and transfer of astronomy tools and existing resources freely available on the internet, into classroom science curricula. Through workshops, online training tools and basic education kits, the products and techniques developed by this programme can be adapted to reach locations with few resources.

NUCLIO – Núcleo Interactivo de Astronomia
NUCLIO is a non-profit association from Portugal deeply involved in teachers training activities all around the world thru projects like GTTP (Galileo Teacher Training Program) and PLOAD (Portuguese Language Office for Astronomy for Development), to name a few.
NUCLIO has been also involved in European projects in the area of the education and new teaching methodologies. It has been recognized as a Innovator institution by the EU Innovation Radar initiative.

International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC)
IASC is an educational outreach program for high schools and colleges. It provides high quality astronomical data to students around the world. Students are able to make original astronomical discoveries and participate in hands-on astronomy. This service is provided at no cost to the participating schools!

National Schools’ Observatory
The National Schools’ Observatory provides schools with access to the 2-metre aperture robotic Liverpool Telescope in the Canary Islands, including the ability for students and teachers to make their own observations and perform scientific investigations with the resulting data.

Faulkes Telescope
Based in South Wales, the Faulkes Telescope Project provides free access via the internet to a global network of robotic telescopes for education. We offer free teacher CPD, educational resources, advice and support on all aspects of using astronomy and broader STEM subjects. Spot new supernovae, catch a comet, gaze at galaxies – bring the Universe into your classroom and carry out real research with astronomers!

Global Science Opera
The Global Science Opera (GSO) is a creative education initiative that combines science, art, technology, and education in a global network of scientists, art and education institutions and projects. Using digital interaction, schools, universities and art and institutions from over 30 participating countries perform and live-stream Global Science Opera performances. One team in each participating country is invited to develop a two-minute scene for the opera, with all the scenes being performed together on a designated date as a continuous, real-time event that viewers can watch online.
European School Innovation Academy (ESIA)
ESIA aims to create the right environment to introduce innovation in schools in Europe and beyond! The knowledge and resources of ESIA are build upon the immense experience of more than 200 EU funded projects.
ESIA is acting as information hub to support and promote EU educational policies in regards to school education, teacher training, school curricula development, assessment of learning outcomes, offering international training activities and providing guidelines, support and qualifications for training providers to design the most effective Professional Development programs for teachers.

Manthan Educational Programme Society India
Manthan, the brain-child of late Mr. Ramesh Kothari, was established as a not for profit organization with an aim to eradicate the qualms of science by developing a scientific temper in the young minds and the members of communities.
Manthan gives great significance to curiosity in minds of students, educators and trainees for experiential learning through various expressive mediums – initially through folk art like puppet shows followed by educational tools, radio programs, exhibitions and by creating a massive outreach programme through Hands-on activities and resourceful kits. The goal is to simplify and give quality outreach in the field of science and communication mostly for the youth and the community.
Presently, Manthan runs a tribal science centre in the Narmada District of Gujarat state and is in the process of establishing an entrepreneurship development training centre for the rural and tribal communities of Narmada.
Avivah Yamani, Indonesia (Langt Selatan)
Bonnie Thurber, USA (iCollaboratory)
Carl Pennypacker, USA (GHOU)
Eduardo Penteado, Brazil (OAE/IAU)
Fraser Lewis, United Kingdom (Faulkes Telescope Project/National Schools Observatory)
Gustavo Rojas, Portugal (NUCLIO/GHOU)
Hassane Darhmaoui, Morocco (Al Akhawayn University)
Julie Bolduc-Duval, Canada (Discover the Universe)
Kathan Kothari, India (Manthan Educational Programme Society)
Rosa Doran, Portugal (NUCLIO/GHOU)
Toshihiro Handa, Japan (Kagoshima University)
- For inquiries please contact Gustavo Rojas.