GHOU Membership Types
Voting membership:
Voting members have the right to vote during the annual GHOU General Assembly. Membership has to be nominated by two existing voting members and approved by majority vote of GHOU voting members present at the General Assembly. Voting members are expected to pay dues (refer to the section below).
Regular membership:
Regular members do not vote at the General Assembly and open for anyone interested in GHOU activities. Members are encouraged to donate to the organisation.
For more information on joining GHOU, please email to
2015 GHOU Membership Fee Structure
In an effort to recruit a more diversified voting membership and offer the opportunity for more educators, scientists and professional astronomers to become GHOU members, the GHOU GA voting membership is now based loosely on the Gross National Income per capita (GNI) of each country as established by the World Bank. The basic info about GNI is available on the web at: Download PDF here.
Retirees, senior citizens and educators paying their own fees, and full time students in these countries pay 25% of the established fee.
- Level A: 100 Euros if your country average annual income is 50,000 euros or more. Retirees, senior citizens and educators paying their own fees, and full time students in these countries pay 25 Euros.
- Level B: 70 Euros if your country average annual income is between 20,000 and 49,999 euros. Retirees, senior citizens and educators paying their own fees, and full time students in these countries pay 18 Euros.
- Level C: 60 Euros if your country average annual income is between 11,000 and 19,999 euros. Retirees, senior citizens and educators paying their own fees, and full time students in these countries pay 15 Euros.
- Level D: 30 Euros if your country average annual income is between: 10,999 and and 4,500 euros. Retirees, senior citizens and educators paying their own fees, and full time students in these countries pay 7.5 Euros.
- Level E: 16 Euros if your country average annual income is between: 3,000 and 4,499 euros. Retirees, senior citizens and educators paying their own fees, and full time students in these countries pay 4 Euros.
- Level F: 8 Euros if your country average annual income is between: 2,000 and 2,999 euros. Retirees, senior citizens and educators paying their own fees, and full time students in these countries pay 2 Euros.
- Level G: 5 Euros if your country average annual income is between: 0 and 1,999 euros. Retirees, senior citizens and educators paying their own fees, and full time students in these countries pay 1.25 Euros.
Please check the World Bank data and the previous list to determine your country level and then follow one of the link bellow to make your membership payment: