
50 Hours 50 Countries: Telescope Time

In collaboration with Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO), the Global Hands-On Observatory (GHOU) is inviting 50 countries the opportunity to use LCO networks’ 0.4-meter telescopes. This is a unique opportunity to observe, image and acquire data, and at the same time learn technical skills. All the selected teams will be guided and supported by students of MIT Academy, in Vallejo, California, USA. Furthermore professional astronomers are available to support depending on the observation target.

Galileo Teacher Training Program

GTTP train teachers in the effective use and transfer of astronomy tools and existing resources that are freely available on the internet, into classroom science curricula. Through workshops, online training tools and basic education kits, the pro­ducts and techniques developed by this programme can be adapted to reach locations with few resources of their own, as well as computer-connected areas that can take advantage of access to robotic optical and radio telescopes, webcams, astronomy exercises, cross-disciplinary resources, image processing and digital universes (web and desktop planetariums).

Universe Quest

Universe Quest provides girls ages 13-16 with a unique opportunity to learn IT skills in the context of studying the universe with modern technology. Young women will have access to astronomy activities; game design and authoring; internships at technology companies; and leadership development.

International Astronomical Search Collaboration

The International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC) is an educational outreach program provided at no cost to participating high schools and colleges. Using astronomical images taken through the ISAC collaborators, students make original discoveries of Main Belt asteroids and important observations that contribute to the NASA Near-Earth Object (NEO) Program.

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