HOU IP List of menu items, controls and functions in Old program (1998)
—Open file Dialog box. Default filter for .FITS or .FTS. Open 32 bit FITS or 16 bit FITS. Change filter to .GIF, .TIFF, .TIF, .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, .BMP Must be able to open large files (several megabytes). If possible, multiple large files.
Shortcut: O
—Close Shortcut: W
—Save As
Dialog box. Options to save in formats: .FTS, .GIF, .TIFF, .JPG, .PNG, .BMP. Automatically add correct extension. Save byte-scaled image data. Result should look like image that is displayed onscreen. RGB values should all be equal (grayscale).
–Load Color Palette [not necessary]
—Print [change name from Print Image] Print currently active image or window.
—Print Preview
—Page Setup [change name from Print Setup]
—Preferences (including default directory)
Dialog box includes:
Default settings for directory/folder for image documents palette min-max algorithm or none display window size???
—Exit [Quit]
—Toolbar [Open, Save, Palette (popdown choice), Clean Up, Auto Aperture, Print, About, Help in Context ]
—Status Bar
[by default, status bar attached to bottom of window. Should include x, y, and counts]
—Color Palette Bar [shows count values to color relationship]
—Results Window
[needs to have Close box in upper corner of results window]
[Results Window needs separate menus available: File (Open, Save As {NEED tab delimited option}, Print, Hide Window), Edit (Copy, Erase Last, Erase All), Help]
—Display Controls Bar [ MinMax, Log, Zoom, Redraw ]
Min-max tool must work exactly as 1998 version; red slider, blue slider, enter max value in box, enter min value in box, click in gray area moves both sliders by about 1/2 slider width, click on arrow to change value by one count, click in white area moves blue slider by 1/2 width, click in black area moves red slider by 1/2 width.
Log function displays log of each pixel but does not alter values shown in status bar.
Zoom accepts only integers 1-100 and resizes the window to fit image if posible, otherwise make scroll bars.
—Clean Up Marks Removes all marks on image
—Reset Default Min/Max
—Flip… Dialog box gives radio button options for vertical or horizontal.
Check box for display in new window. OK and cancel buttons.
—Rotate …
Dialog box has box for entering number of degrees CCW
Box to enter value to fill empty pixels
Radio buttons to Keep Same Image Size and Expand Size to Fit Data
Check box for display in new window. OK and cancel buttons.
—Transpose …
Dialog box Radio Buttons for flipping diagonally slopes 1 and -1.
Check box for display in new window. OK and cancel buttons.
—Shift …
Dialog has boxes for entering X offset, Y offset, Fill value.
Offset function acts as X(new) = X(old) + offset. Same for Y.
Need to be able to shift fractional pixels.
Check box for display in new window. OK and cancel buttons.
—Resize …
Dialog Box has boxes for entering X factor and Y factor.
Check box for display in new window. OK and cancel buttons.
–Convolve [not needed]
–Blur … [not needed]
–Hi Pass Filter … [not needed]
—Add …
Add counts to every pixel of active image.
Dialog Box has name of file selected
Radio buttons to choose []Box for entering Number of Counts to add
[]Displayed image Displayed image can be different size, but need boxes to enter X, Y coordinates of reference star on each image. Click on the reference star in each image to get coordinates.
[] File from disk clicking on file from disk bring up "select file" popup that brings up open dialog and a box showing selected file name. Selected file image can be different size, but need boxes to enter X, Y coordinates of reference star on each image. Click on the reference star in each image to get coordinates. Check box for display in new window. OK and cancel buttons.
—Subtract …
Subtract counts from every pixel of active image.
Dialog Box has name of file selected
[] Box for entering Number of Counts to add Radio buttons to choose one of two options: • Displayed image Displayed image can be different size, but need boxes to enter X, Y coordinates of reference star on each image. Click on the reference star in each image to get coordinates. • File from disk clicking on file from disk bring up "select file" popup that brings up open dialog and a box showing selected file name. Selected file image can be different size, but need boxes to enter X, Y coordinates of reference star on each image. Click on the reference star in each image to get coordinates. Check box for display in new window. OK and cancel buttons.
—Multiply …
Multiply every pixel by a fixed value.
Dialog box has filename of active image and box to enter value to multiply by (real number, not integer). Check box for display in new window. OK and cancel buttons.
—Divide …
Divide every pixel by a fixed value.
Dialog box has filename of active image and box to enter value to divide by (real number, not integer). Check box for display in new window. OK and cancel buttons.
—Zoom box Changes cursor zoom icon. Click and drag cursor over desired area of image. Make a new window, with aspect ratio of the click&drag and image 2x zoomed, meaning every pixel twice as big as in original image.
Make slice cursor (knife?). Click and drag cursor to define slice line on image. Popup window shows graph of brightness (in counts) vs displacement along the slice line in pixels. Use pythagorean theorem to define displacement along the slice in pixels. Beginning of slice and end of slice define the x-axis of the graph in popup window. Click or click&drag along graph line makes a box on the graph line AND a red box moves along the slice line in the image corresponding to the box on the graph line. Crosshair cursor. At bottom of Popup "Slice" box the Distance value and Counts value is displayed, corresponding to position of the crosshair cursor. Title of popup window: "Slice"
When Popup Window is active, new menus are: File (has Open, Save As, Print, Close),
Options (Axis Setup, Style) – Axis Setup brings up a dialog box named "Axes Setup" that has Plot Title (name of image) and 3 columns – first column name of value; 2nd column is x-axis; 3rd column is y-axis. boxes to enter values: 1st column names of values are Label, Min (* for default), Max (* for default), Tick Marks (check box), Tick Spacing, Grid (check box). Style brings up dialog box with
Connect points [check box]
Plot Points [check box] with Radio button options: Cross and Circle
OK and Cancel
–Image Info (header) Display image header, non-editable
—Sky … (statistics)
On selection of Sky, 1st comes up a dialog box with Sliding Window Width [not sure what this is!!] and check box "Entire Image"; OK and cancel.
If check box is unchecked, user clicks&drags to define area of interest on image. Area indicated by red or pink rectangle (edge line only) Compute and display in Results popup window: Image/Filename; defined rectangle (coordinates of lower left corner and height and width of rectangle in pixels)
–Sky value (median brightness within defined area)
–Standard deviation
– –Mean
–Minimum brightness value and coordinates of pixel with minimum value
–Maximum brightness value and coordinates or pixel with maximum value (most common pixel – maximum of histogram).
When Results window is active, there is "Edit" menu with options: Copy, Erase Last, and Erase All
—Axes …[Maybe make new name, e.g "Centroid"] On selection of Axes, 1st comes up a dialog box with Check box "Entire Image"; OK and cancel. If check box is unchecked, user clicks&drags to define area of interest on image. Area indicated by red or pink rectangle (edge line only) Function:
Finds the center of a distribution of light, or center an extended object. Weighted average position of the extended object. Compute and display in Results popup window: Image/Filename; defined rectangle (coordinates of lower left corner and height and width of rectangle in pixels) Center: (coordinates of computed center of extended object(s))
Major axis and Minor axis of centroid.
When Results window is active, there is "Edit" menu with options: Copy, Erase Last, and Erase All
—Find …
On selection of Find, 1st comes up a dialog box with Check box "Entire Image"; OK and cancel.
If check box is unchecked, user clicks&drags to define area of interest on image. Area indicated by red or pink rectangle (edge line only) Radio buttons to choose one of two options: (1) "Perform Sky" in which case additional text says "Find Stars with pixel brightness above:" followed by second line "Sky +"
"* deviation" (1) "Threshold" in which case additional text says "Find Stars with pixel brightness above:" followed by second line Sliding Window Width: [Box to enter number (1-32767)]Function:
Finds all objects in the image or in the defined area if "Entire image" is unchecked. Process is gaussian fit and result is coordinates of all objects in the image or the defined area. Result popups up in Results Window as Find: [image/filename]; defined rectangle (coordinates of lower left corner and height and width of rectangle in pixels)
Threshold: [value]; Sky: [value] [table as follows] X Y FWHM Brightness [FWHM is full width half maximum]
When Results window is active, there is "Edit" menu with options: Copy, Erase Last, and Erase All
—Aperture …
1st comes up a dialog box with "Star Radius" [with box to enter value in pixels] "Sky Radius [with box to enter value in pixels]; OK and Cancel.
Cursor becomes bullseye.
User clicks on a star, it finds center of object (as in Find), and then adds count values of all pixels in the star radius disk. Then finds median value along the circle at the sky radius. Multiplies median value by the number of pixels in the star radius disk and then subtracts result from total count in star radius disk. Result popups up in Results Window as Aperture: [image/filename]; coordinates of star [x, y values]
Brightness: [counts value]; Sky: [value]
Star Radius [value]; Sky Radius: [value]
When Results window is active, there is "Edit" menu with options: Copy, Erase Last, and Erase All
—Auto Aperture
Operates like Aperture, but there is no 1st dialog box.
User clicks on a star. Program runs "Find" function (gaussian fit) to get coordinates of star and "centroid" (Axes) function and calculates 3 times the full width half max from centroid -and that’s Star Radius. For Sky Radius value is 6x full width half max. Then it runs Aperture function using those values for Star Radius and Sky Radius. Result popups up in Results Window as
Aperture: [image/filename]; coordinates of star [x, y values]
Brightness: [counts value]; Sky: [value]
Star Radius [value]; Sky Radius: [value]
When Results window is active, there is "Edit" menu with options: Copy, Erase Last, and Erase All
—Histogram … 1st Dialog box: Check box for "Entire Image". Check box for "Normalize"; OK and Cancel
Sliding Window Width…????
If check box is unchecked, user clicks&drags to define area of interest on image. Area indicated by red or pink rectangle (edge line only)
Make histogram graph with x-axis Brightness (in counts) and y-axis is "Frequency" (number of pixels with given x-axis value). Menus: File (has Open, Save As, Print, Close), Options (Axis Setup, Style) – Axis Setup brings up a dialog box named "Axes Setup" that has Plot Title (name of image) and 3 columns – first column name of value; 2nd column is x-axis; 3rd column is y-axis. boxes to enter values: 1st column names of values are Label, Min (* for default), Max (* for default), Tick Marks (check box), Tick Spacing, Grid (check box). Style brings up dialog box with Connect points [check box]; Plot Points [check box] with Radio button options: Cross and Circle; OK and Cancel
WINDOW (standard functionality)
HELP (help text, search, and navigation system)
For Open
ADD option for getting image from WWW.
Blink Comparator function — acts much like a slide show to compare images. User must be able to control speed of blink back and forth between two (or more) images.
RA-DEC – Celestial Coordinates to Pixel Coordinates transformation function:
If header information includes celestial coordinates of a particular pixel, then software can display in "Status Bar" where x, y pixel coordinates are displayed, the celestial coordinates (Right Ascension and Declination) as well.
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