Important Dates

Welcome Note

We heartily welcome all teachers, students, educators, and other scientists to join us on our amazing journey with Global Hands-On Universe.  Over the past decades, we have proven many times with Global HOU materials and well-trained teachers, students tend to learn more, teachers are re-energised about their discipline, students can do real science, students are inspired about careers in STEM disciplines, students learn IT skills, etc.  There is little not to like about GHOU. Come join us!

Important Dates

29 June 2020


30 June 2020


31 July 2020

Abstract Submission

10 August 2020


22-23 August 2020

Global 24 hours

24-28 August 2020


Join Us

Sharing Experiences

By utilizing modern telecommunication, computer, and software capabilities, we can truly share our experiences from many of our schools and many nations. The sharing and learning that will take place in this conference should be very good!

How Teachers Benefit

Teachers will learn that they are part of a powerful global system that really works, has energy, and can change their lives and their students' lives for the better. And we have many field-tested, classroom-ready materials, and you will learn how to succeed with them, many times over.

Truly Global

This conference features an 24-h opening webcast, followed by 5 days of regional sessions. These sessions are hosted in 3 different time zones spread 8 hours apart from each other. Presentations can happen in a variety of languages.

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